Debunking the Myth: Can You Fail a Neuropsychological Evaluation?

As a psychologist who does neuropsychological evaluations (neuropsych evals, for short), I often encounter misconceptions about neuropsychological testing. One of the most common questions I hear is, "Can you fail a neuropsych eval?" The answer? No, in the traditional sense of getting a passing or failing grade, you cannot.

However, there are some nuances to understand. Let's delve deeper into the purpose and process of a neuro-psych eval to clear up this confusion.

What is a Neuropsychological Evaluation?

A close up of a wooden cube with a question mark that represents questions about a neuropsychological evaluation in Los Angeles. Learn more about the support a neuropsychologist in los angeles, ca can offer by searching for neuro psych eval in los an

A neuro-psych eval is a comprehensive assessment of your cognitive functioning. It's like a detailed map of your brain's strengths and weaknesses across various areas of function, including:

  • Attention and concentration: How well can you focus and sustain attention?

  • Memory: How well do you encode, store, and retrieve information?

  • Language: How effectively do you use language to communicate and understand?

  • Learning: How well do you acquire new information and skills?

  • Executive functioning: How well do you plan, organize, and problem-solve?

  • Processing speed: How quickly can you process information?

The Neuropsychological evaluation typically involves a combination of:

  • Clinical interview: Discussing your social, medical, and mental health history, symptoms, and everyday challenges.

  • Standardized cognitive testing: Administering specific tests designed to assess different cognitive domains.

  • Review of medical records: Understanding any relevant medical conditions that might impact your brain function.

Why Don't You "Fail" a Neuropsych Evaluation?

The primary goal of a neuro-psych evaluation isn't to judge your performance but to create a detailed picture of your cognitive profile. This information is crucial for:

A close up of a person writing on a page with a pencil. This could represent the process of a neuropsychological evaluation in Los Angeles. Learn more about the help a neuropsychologist in Los Angeles, CA can offer support by searching for a psycholo
  • Diagnosis: Helping identify underlying neurological or psychological conditions that might be impacting your thinking and behavior.

  • Treatment planning: Informing the development of treatment strategies to improve your cognitive skills or compensate for weaknesses.

  • Monitoring progress: Assessing the effectiveness of treatment interventions.

  • Eligibility determination: Providing evidence for eligibility for educational support services or disability programs.

There's no single "correct" answer on any test. Everyone performs differently based on factors like age, education, and cultural background. Your scores are compared to “norms,” which means a large number of scores from people that let us know what scores we should expect on a given test. These tests are often adjusted for age, education, and other factors, so that you are compared to others similar to you in important ways. That gives us the best sense of where your scores fall in comparison to what we expect from others in your same age group.

The Importance of Effort and Validity

While you can't fail, putting forth a genuine effort is essential. Neuro-psych evals often include effort testing to ensure the results accurately reflect your abilities. Effort measures are built into testing and might involve tests where inconsistent performance raises questions about whether you're trying your best.

If a neuropsychologist suspects you're not putting in good effort based on these measures, they might flag the results as "invalid." This could limit the usefulness of the evaluation, hindering accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. There are many reasons people might not put their best effort into testing, but if that’s the case, we cannot trust the test results actually measure what we were trying to measure, and it would not be ethical to make a diagnosis or plan treatment based on invalid results.

Here are some tips for approaching your neuropsych evaluation effectively:

  • Get a good night's sleep beforehand.

  • Eat a good breakfast the day of testing.

  • Arrive well-rested and alert.

  • Ask clarifying questions if you're unsure about instructions.

  • Do your best on each test, even if you find it challenging.

  • Be honest about your limitations.

What Happens After the Evaluation?

Following the evaluation, the psychologist will analyze all the collected data. This includes your interview responses, test scores, and medical records. They then create a comprehensive report summarizing your cognitive strengths and weaknesses, offering potential diagnoses, and recommending appropriate interventions.

Here are some possible outcomes:

  • Normal cognitive functioning: The evaluation may not identify any significant cognitive deficits.

  • Specific cognitive impairments: The report might identify specific areas of cognitive deficit that could benefit from targeted interventions.

  • Learning disorder: The evaluation might support a diagnosis of a learning disorder, informing educational support plans.

  • Neurological condition: The evaluation might point towards a neurological condition, prompting further medical investigation.

A woman smiles while sitting across from a woman with a clipboard. This could represent the support a neuropsychologist in Los Angeles, CA can offer with a neuropsychological evaluation in Los Angeles. Learn more about the benefits of a psychodiagnos

Remember, the neuro-psych eval is a collaborative process. Discussing the findings with the neuropsychologist and your doctor allows you to ask questions, clarify results, and understand the next steps.

Start A Neuropsychological Evaluation in Los Angeles, CA

A neuro-psych evals is a valuable tool for understanding how your brain works. They don't involve passing or failing but rather aim to create a comprehensive profile of your cognitive functioning. By approaching the evaluation with a genuine effort, you can contribute to a more accurate and helpful assessment that aids in diagnosis, treatment, and ultimately, improved well-being. Start the evaluation process with Dr. Reger by following these simple steps:

  1. Contact (424) 262-1925 to schedule your appointment

  2. Meet with Dr. Reger for an evaluation

  3. Get a better understanding of neurological issues!


Neuropsychological assessments aren’t the only service I offer. I know that you may encounter more than one mental health concern at a time. I offer multiple psychological assessments as well. Other assessments include capacity assessments, cognitive and dementia testing, pre-surgical assessments, and med-legal evaluations. In addition to evaluations, I also provide individual therapy, counseling for older adults, and mental health consultations and presentations. Visit my blog for more helpful support today!