Psychological Evaluation for Workers’ Compensation in Los Angeles, CA

Image of a woman sitting at a computer seeming upset showing how employees can need workers compensation for depression and anxiety. If you have a psych claims for workers compensation in Los Angeles you can get a psychological evaluation from a QME.

QME psychological evaluation reports are used to help determine an injured worker’s eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits.

Psychological injuries can result from stressors in the workplace. Such stressors include harassment, a hostile work environment, or trauma. A psychological injury can also result from a physical injury in the workplace. Chronic pain arising from these injuries can cause depression, anxiety, and other problems. Employees may file for workers’ compensation for depression, anxiety, stress, and PTSD. The Qualified Medical Examiner will evaluate how psychological injuries affect a worker’s overall psychological functioning.

What to Expect From A Los Angeles Qualified Medical Examiner

When a Panel QME is scheduled, the applicant will receive information regarding the date, time, and place for the evaluation. Which typically takes 4 - 6 hours. The Qualified Medical Examiner will conduct a thorough psychological evaluation that includes:

  • psychosocial history

  • medical history

  • legal history

  • educational history

  • occupational history

  • mental health history

  • history of the injury

Image of a man looking stressed while sitting at a work desk. If you have been struggling like this there are options for psych claims for workers comp for stress. You can get QME reports from a psychological evaluation in Los Angeles.

The applicant also completes a battery of psychological tests that assess a person’s general complaints. This includes assessing current emotional and possibly physical functioning. Additionally, the psychological evaluation will provide objective data to support any diagnosis or conclusions drawn by the QME. The QME will also review any medical records related to the workers’ comp for stress, depression, anxiety, or other psychological injury claims.

With psych claims for workers’ compensation, the Qualified Medical Examiner has 30 days from the psychological evaluation date to complete and submit the report to the requesting parties. This typically includes the adjuster, defense attorney, and applicant attorney.

Available for agreed Medical Evaluations

Dr. REger’s Los Angeles area & Southern California QME Locations

Be Prepared for Your Psychological Evaluation

Image of a woman getting a psychological evaluation in Los Angeles for workers comp for stress. If you have received psychological injury you might need QME reports for psych claims workers compensation in Los Angeles.

A psychological evaluation for workers’ compensation for depression, anxiety, stress, or psychological injury takes several hours. So it is important to be prepared and know what to expect before your testing. Here are some tips in order to be prepared before your appointment with Dr. Reger.

First, make sure that you have eaten, are rested, and are free of substances besides prescription medication. It is important that your psychological evaluation shows your normal status for the QME report. Struggling with hunger, fatigue, drugs, or alcohol can influence the results of your psychological evaluation. Make sure that you take care of yourself before your meeting with the Qualified Medical Examiner. The best thing you can do is get plenty of rest, relax, and eat nourishing food.

Get A psychological evaluation for workers comp in Los Angeles?

Are you seeking a QME report for workers comp for stress, depression, anxiety, or another psychological injury? Dr. Reger provides psychological evaluations at several locations in Southern California. To schedule your appointment with a Los Angeles Qualified Medical Examiner follow these steps:

  1. Contact (424) 262-1925 to schedule your appointment

  2. Meet with a Psychologist for your psychological evaluation

  3. Move forward with your workers’ compensation case

Other mental health testing & Therapy Services in Los Angles, CA

Dr. Reger offers several types of neuropsychological assessments in Redondo Beach, CA, including cognitive decline and dementia testing and pre-surgical assessments. Additionally, she is a caring Los Angeles therapist who also offers individual therapy and counseling for older adults.