What to Do Once you Have A Diagnosis After Adult ADHD Testing Pt. 3

I discussed symptoms of ADHD in adults in the first of this series, then in part two, I talked about when to seek neuropsychological testing for ADHD. If you get a diagnosis of ADHD in adulthood, you will probably experience emotions ranging from shock to fear or sadness. But you may also experience relief in finally having a diagnosis to make sense of symptoms you’ve been coping with for decades. Here are some tips to help you navigate after being diagnosed with ADHD as an adult.


Image of a man looking upset while a person reaches their hand out. This represents the way it can feel after getting adult ADHD testing, or psychological testing for ADHD in adults. In Los Angeles, CA you can get support through adult ADHD assessmen

It may sound cliché, but knowledge is power. Undetected ADHD symptoms can wreak havoc on your life and may have done so for a very long time. During that time, you may have gotten into unhealthy habits, like using caffeine or other substances excessively, poor sleep hygiene, undermining yourself in relationships, or underperforming or being chronically stressed at work. I highly recommend first learning a lot about ADHD, so you can begin to understand the breadth of the impact, and perhaps increase your self-compassion.


If you have been diagnosed after getting adult ADHD testing, you have probably noticed that ADHD impacts your relationships. Undiagnosed ADHD can be frustrating, both for people with symptoms and for others close to them. You may have experienced the interpersonal impact of things like

Image of scrambled thoughts getting untangled. Showing how treatment after getting adult ADHD testing can feel. Adult ADHD assessments open doors for accommodations & treatment.
  • Chronic lateness

  • Forgetting important tasks or milestones

  • Difficulty following through with promises

  • Difficulty paying attention in conversation

  • Lack of motivation to do undesirable tasks

These types of symptoms wear on relationships over time, and there can be great relief and forgiveness (of the self and each other) once you have a diagnosis and understand ADHD. Although you may feel ashamed or afraid of sharing because of mental health stigma, there is power in naming what’s happening. It is also important to allow your loved ones and friends to understand and support you as you learn how to navigate ADHD more effectively. Neurodiversity is discussed more and more openly in the mainstream, and you might be surprised that others you know have or have been impacted by ADHD themselves.


Once you know what you’re dealing with, you can begin to connect with others in the ADHD community. Talking to and learning from others with shared experiences can be very healing, and it can also teach you some strategies for approaching ADHD. Who knows, you may also have a thing or two to teach other people! Here are a few places to start for local and virtual support groups and other connections:

Image of a woman opening the curtains in the sunshine. Showing the freeing feeling of understanding your symptoms after meeting with a neuropsychologist for an adult ADHD assessment, or adult ADHD testing, in Los Angeles or Redondo Beach, CA.

Get Answers Through an ADHD Assessment with A Psychologist in Los Angeles, CA

If you have identified with some, or all, of the ADHD symptoms, talked about in this blog series you can get answers and accommodations through adult ADHD testing. With a diagnosis from a Los Angeles Psychologist, you can gain access to treatments that will improve your quality of day-to-day life and relationships.

Find out more about what you can expect from adult ADHD assessments with Dr. Reger by doing the following:

  1. Reach out for a free consultation.

  2. Schedule your adult ADHD testing with Dr. Reger.

  3. Start your journey towards improved mental health, accommodations, and resources.


Dr. Reger offers several types of neuropsychological assessments around Southern California. She also offers psychological evaluations for workers’ comp and preoperative assessments. Additionally, offers individual therapy and therapy for older adults.