Adult ADHD Testing, Part 2: When to Seek Psychological Testing for Adult ADHD & What to Expect

In the first post of this series, I shared some common symptoms of adult ADHD. Some symptoms (like restlessness) can look the same in adults and kids. However, some symptoms (like difficulty prioritizing tasks) can be difficult to spot in adults. Unfortunately, I’ve heard adults blame themselves, and call themselves “lazy,” “thoughtless” or other harsh labels, when they are really suffering from undiagnosed ADHD.

If you read the first part of this series and noticed some of those symptoms in yourself (or perhaps a partner), you may wonder whether you have ADHD. There are many people who have “self-diagnosed” ADHD and other mental health disorders, but there are benefits to being assessed and diagnosed by a psychological evaluator.


If you suspect ADHD and have never been assessed or diagnosed, it is worth considering when:

Image of a mom with her head in her hands. Representing what it can feel like when you need adult ADHD testing, or adult ADHD assessments, in Redondo Beach or Los Angeles, CA. Psychological testing for ADHD can help open doors for resources & support
  • You notice lifelong “personal traits” that sound like adult ADHD symptoms. For example, being a daydreamer, being called “flaky,” and others. Check out part 1 for more examples.

  • These symptoms interfere with your personal relationships--with your partner, family, friends, or colleagues

  • ADHD-like symptoms interfere with your work, or lead to difficulty holding a job. This can look like being chronically behind on deadlines, always late to work, or taking on too much and not being able to follow through.

  • The symptoms cause problems with your education. You might find yourself unable to focus during tests. Or you find it impossible to self-start for online classes that are mostly independent work.

  • You find yourself often having to apologize to others for “dropping the ball” in some way – losing an important document, forgetting to pick up a child from practice, missing a deadline, or not hearing what someone says because you got distracted. Feeling like you are constantly letting others down unintentionally can be a sign of ADHD

  • These problems have been part of your life for a long time, even dating back to childhood. For example, you might have always been in trouble for talking out of turn, getting out of your seat, distracting others, or daydreaming.

  • You drink a lot of caffeine or use other substances to help manage your ADHD symptoms.


If you have recognized some untreated symptoms in yourself, and want to move forward with psychological testing for ADHD in Los Angeles, there are a few things to know.

Getting Adult ADHD Testing is Important for accommodations

Image of ADHD spelled out on wooden blacks. Representing the preparation of psychological testing for ADHD in Los Angeles, CA. It's never too late to get adult ADHD testing in Redondo Beach, CA.

Adult ADHD testing can be done by a psychologist or neuropsychologist who is trained in evaluating ADHD. An ADHD diagnosis can be made by any psychologist or psychiatrist licensed to diagnose, but without an adult ADHD assessment, you won’t have insight into your brain strengths and vulnerabilities or learning style. A diagnosis without assessment also won’t help you get accommodations in school or the workplace. Disability and resource offices want to see a psychological report to support accommodations. These are the same reasons I recommend against “self-diagnosis,” in addition to the fact that it may not be accurate.

Looking at the big picture not just ADHD

Sometimes I get requests to “just test for ADHD,” but this is not good practice for a few reasons. Adult ADHD testing performed by a trained psychological evaluator will look at many areas of brain function, not just attention. This is because we need to rule out other explanations for your symptoms, and also, because ADHD often occurs along with other learning or mood problems. It’s important to get the full picture. This way, we don’t miss anything important, and you get the best treatment.

Be Prepared for the Day of Testing

Expect that you will have a long day of paper-and-pencil or computer/tablet adult ADHD testing. Come prepared with a good night’s rest, breakfast beforehand, snacks, water, glasses, hearing aids, and anything else you need to focus and do your best on testing.

Waiting for results from the adult ADHD testing

After testing, it can take a few weeks for your psychologist to write a report. In a feedback session, your doctor will explain the results, as well as explain a diagnosis (if you have one), and any recommendations. These recommendations can improve your quality of life, and might include anything from strategies for managing forgetfulness, to support in college, like extra time for tests. These recommendations are personal and should be taken seriously as they can truly make a difference.

Keep Ahold of the Report

You should keep that report; you may need it in the future. For example, if you ask for disability accommodations at work or school, or if you have neuropsychological testing in the future and want a baseline to look back at. Keep it safe, make copies, or save it digitally, and don’t give your only copy to HR or the disability office at school!

Get Adult ADHD Testing in Los Angeles, CA

Image of a carefree woman sitting in a sunny park. Showing the joy that can come from getting adult ADHD testing, or adult ADHD assessments, from a psychologist in Los Angeles or Redondo Beach, CA.

Psychological testing for ADHD is a great way to test your cognitive functioning and identify any potential issues with attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. With proper diagnosis and treatment, individuals with ADHD can improve their quality of life and better manage their symptoms. If you're located in Los Angeles, CA, don't wait any longer to schedule an appointment with a qualified neuropsychologist. Take the first step towards getting the support and resources you need to thrive.

  1. Reach out for a free consultation.

  2. Schedule your adult ADHD testing with Dr. Reger.

  3. Start your journey towards improved mental health, accommodations, and resources.

Other Testing & Mental Health Services Offered in Los Angeles, CA

Dr. Reger offers several types of neuropsychological assessments at her Redondo Beach practice and in many locations around Southern California. That is in addition to psychological evaluations for workers’ comp and preoperative assessments. Additionally, as a Psychologist in Los Angeles, she offers counseling for older adults.